
createAccount JSON


Post JSON data here to create a new sub account in an account.

See here for information about using the JSON API.

Example Data

    "authentication": {
        "apiKey": "apiKeyAsSetInAccountSettings"
    "createAccount": [
            "username": "username",
            "password": "password",
            "apiKey": "YourKeyToUseForTheNewAccount",
            "email": "",
            "role": "0",
            "systemEmails": "0",
            "bookingEmails": "0",
            "bookingReplyto": "0"
field values
role 0 = Admin
1 = Read Only
2 = Cleaner
3 = Front Desk
4 = Back Office
5 = Sub Master
6 = Channel Manager
7 = No Cards
8 = Cleaner Manager
systemEmails 0 = Administrator Email
1 = Administrator Email and Cc: Property
2 = Property Email
3 = Master Account Email
4 = Administrator Email and Cc: Master
bookingEmails 0 = Administrator Email
1 = Administrator Email and Cc: Property
2 = Property Email
3 = Master Account Email
4 = Administrator Email and Cc: Master
bookingReplyto 0 = Guest Email
1 = Property Email
2 = Adminitrator Email
3 = Master Account Email